JavaScript Function Invocation: Master 5 Techniques in 5 Minutes

Delve into the diverse ways of invoking functions in JavaScript with our quick 5-minute guide. From standard global declarations to advanced technique


5 min read

1. Normal Function Declaration and Invocation

In this conventional approach, a function is declared in the global scope and subsequently invoked without any binding or special keywords. Let's look at an example:

function print() {
    return this == window; // Returns true when run in the browser



  • The print function is declared in the global scope.

  • Upon invocation with print(), the function's code block is executed.

  • The this keyword within the function refers to its execution context, which, in this case, is the global object (window in a browser environment).

  • The return this == window; line demonstrates that this indeed refers to the global object.

2. Function as an Object Property

In JavaScript, functions can be more than just standalone entities; they can also serve as properties of objects. Consider the following example:

let obj = {};
obj.print = function () {
    console.log("Object Method");
    return this == obj; // Returns true; this refers to `obj`


  • An empty object, obj, is created.

  • The print function is assigned as a property of the obj object using obj.print.

  • Upon invoking obj.print(), the function is executed. Importantly, this within the function now refers to the object to which it belongs (obj in this case).

  • The return this == obj; line demonstrates that this points to the object itself.

3. Call Function as a Constructor Using new Keyword

JavaScript allows functions to act as constructors when used with the new keyword. This pattern involves creating instances of objects. Consider the following:

function print() {

new print();


  • The print function is used as a constructor by prepending it with the new keyword.

  • Internally, the new keyword translates to the creation of an empty object (this) that becomes the context for the function.

  • The function's code block is then executed within this context.

  • The default behavior is to return the newly created object (though this can be customized using the return statement).

This approach is pivotal for object instantiation and creating reusable constructor functions.

Equivalent Translation:

function print() {
    this = {}; // An empty object, referred to as `this`, is created and returned.
    return {}; // Optionally, you can customize the returned object.

Understanding this mechanism is crucial when working with constructor functions and object-oriented patterns in JavaScript.

4. Using call() Function

The call() function is a method available to all function objects in JavaScript, and it allows you to explicitly set the context (this value) during a function invocation. Consider the following:

function print() {

But why use instead of just print()?

Using call() becomes especially valuable when you want to explicitly bind a function to a specific object as its context. Here's an example:

let obj = {
    greeting: "Hello"
greeting = "Hey"
function sayGreeting() {
}; // Outputs: Hey; // Outputs: Hello


  • In the example above, we have an object obj with a greeting property.

  • we also have a global variable greeting

  • The sayGreeting function, when invoked with call(obj), uses obj as its context (this), allowing it to access the greeting property of the object.

  • This explicit binding of the function to an object provides flexibility in controlling the context in which the function operates.

Using call() is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to reuse a function with different objects or contexts. 'apply()' is very similar to call() but with tiny difference in handling passed parameters after the context.

5. Self-Calling Function

A Self-Calling Function or an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) is a function that is defined and executed immediately after its creation. This pattern is often used for encapsulation, avoiding global scope pollution, and executing code only once.

(function() {


  • The function is defined inside parentheses (function(){...}).

  • The trailing pair of parentheses ( ... ) immediately invokes the function.

  • Internally, the this value refers to the global object within the function's context, similar to a regular function.

Why use a Self-Calling Function?

  • Encapsulation: It helps in encapsulating variables and functions, preventing them from polluting the global scope.

  • Execution Once: Useful when you want a piece of code to run only once during the application's initialization.

Self-calling functions are a handy JavaScript pattern for creating private scopes and managing code execution in a controlled manner.


In the vast landscape of JavaScript, understanding the various ways to invoke functions is crucial for writing flexible and maintainable code. Let's recap the key points discussed in this article:

  1. Normal Function Declaration and Invocation:

    • Functions declared in the global scope are invoked straightforwardly.
  2. Function as an Object Property:

    • Functions can be assigned as properties of objects, allowing for the creation of methods.
  3. Call Function as a Constructor Using new Keyword:

    • The new keyword transforms a function into a constructor, creating instances with their own set of properties and methods.
  4. Using call() Function:

    • The call() function allows for explicit setting of the function's context (this value) and passing individual arguments.
  5. Self-Calling Function (IIFE):

    • Immediately Invoked Function Expressions provide a way to create self-contained, immediately executed code blocks.

Each method has its own use cases and scenarios where it shines. Understanding these nuances empowers developers to write cleaner, more modular, and efficient JavaScript code.

As you navigate through your JavaScript journey, consider the context and requirements of your code to choose the most suitable method for function invocation. Whether it's binding functions to specific objects, creating instances with constructors, or leveraging self-calling functions for initialization, these techniques form the foundation of effective JavaScript programming.

Ready to level up your JavaScript skills? Explore more advanced topics and best practices to become a proficient developer. Keep coding and discovering the endless possibilities of JavaScript! ๐Ÿš€
